12 months ago3/29/2024
Entity Monitoring: Segmentation Features
announcement Following our past release, we're thrilled to introduce Segmentation features to Entity Monitoring! This feature empowers users to create and manage Segmentation Groups, enabling more tailored and efficient management of information. Here's what you can expect:
- Create and manage Segmentation Groups: Users can now easily create and manage Segmentation Groups, such as MCCs or Countries, to categorize and organize their data effectively.
- Create and manage Segmentations within the group: Within Segmentation Groups, users have the flexibility to create and manage specific Segmentations, such as Lodging, Retail, and Airlines, or Germany, Canada, and Mexico, depending on their business needs.
- Policy Threshold Exceptions: When setting policy thresholds, segmentation becomes a powerful tool for creating exceptions to default thresholds. This allows for more granular control and customization based on different segments within your data.
Segmentation Creation and Management